Monday, April 10, 2006

Illegal Immigrants Are Illegal Immigrants

I've got to chuckle about this whole immigration issue (even though it isn't a laughing matter). Estimates of 11 million people are protesting will be marching throughout the United Sates. Amnesty is their cry. They believe that working here, doing the jobs that many Americans do not want to do, allows them a free pass to become citizens. What about all the people who immigrated the law abiding way? This protest is an insult to them.


  • Carlos Carrera, a construction worker from Mexico, held a large banner that read: "We are not criminals. Give us a chance for a better life," the AP reported. ( CNN Posting 4/10/06 ).
  • Nineth Castillo, a 26-year-old waitress from Guatemala who joined the Atlanta march, said she has lived in the United States for 11 years “without a scrap of paper." Asked whether she was afraid to parade her undocumented status in front of a massive police presence, she laughed and said: “Why? They kick us out, we're coming back tomorrow.” MSNBC 04/10/06

I'm sorry but where do these people get off? Last time I checked Mr. Carrera, you are a criminal. You are here ILLEGALLY!! You are here with out any documentation.

Last time I checked there were plenty of people to work. Problem is welfare is such an easy way to get money that people would rather collect a check than work. Is it because the pay is so low for these jobs that they don't want to do it? Welfare needs to be looked at again.

It is an insult for the millions of people who came to this country, got the schooling, and learned the language. This was a proud accomplishment in their lives. Now we are going to wipe the slate clean, grant citizenship to the ILLEGAL immigrants and all will be happy. Sure. And what’s going to happen when they go on welfare. Who's going to take their place?

I want all of these people to stay in the United States, but as LEGAL immigrants.


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