Monday, May 07, 2007

$3 Isn't Bad - I Guess?

Funny how the current rise to and past $3 a gallon hasn't fazed too many people. I'm sure our legislators in Washington are breathing a sigh of relief. They won't have to pretend to be concerned about the squeeze most of us are feeling with gas pricing continuing to climb. I had to chuckle when gas first spiked over $3 a gallon. Investigations were going to be launched because of the price gouging. Now we blow by $3 (don't worry about seeing $2 again!) and not a peep - out of anyone. If we want an investigation, why not figure why we bring refineries down now (or so the oil companies say) when gas is more in demand than in the late fall? Whoops, common sense!

If we spent the money and effort like we are on the damn Iraq war and put that effort into getting us off oil, Iraq and the rest of the Middle East would go away. We had no problem developing the atomic bomb or getting a man to the moon and returning him safely when we put our mind to it. Why can't we put that same effort into this now?

Has America's best days passed her by?


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