Corporate Pig - Lee Raymond

Lee Raymond has just retired from Exxon-Mobil as their chairman and has received a retirement package in excess of $400M! His total compensation since taking over the reigns as Exxon's chairman is over $680M! His $400M package includes pension, stock options, and other perks, like a $1M consulting deal, 2 years of home security (after this you now know why), personal security, a car and driver, and use of the corporate jet for personal purposes. Mr. Raymond's salary in 2005 came to $51.5M. That equates to $141K a day, $6,000 an hour. How can you with a clear conscious accept ALL that money? Have you done that much? I guess you have by growing the company MERGERS instead of organic growth. It must be extremely dangerous like the workers on the oil platforms.
I guess the 500% in profits couldn't have been shared with the rest of the corporation's employees. SHAME ON YOU MR. RAYMOND!
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