Monday, December 31, 2012

Cowboys: Another Disappointing Season

What a joke this organization is. Mediocre at best. Hey Jerry, when are you going to admit you are not a football genius?! Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells built your 2 playoff teams. You haven't! Swallow your ego and get some football people in there.

Since you won't do that let's focus on getting some GOOD offensive linemen in front of Romo so we can get a running game established and take some pressure off of him.

Next is a coach, unfortunately there won't be a quality guy out there and Garret showed he doesn't have the smarts to have the team to do the little things right. How many games were lost because of stupid penalties, no discipline and dumb play calling.

Garrett has too much on his plate, let's get Norv back as offensive coordinator to call the plays and teach Romo. On the defensive side I thought Ryan was the answer but I'm not impressed. The antics on the sidelines culminating with him taking a penalty.

I had high hopes this year especially after beating the Giants in the first week of the season but that was not to be. Mediocrity was the norm until December hit and they actually looked like they had heart and then the final 2 games showed true Cowboy heart.

2 years in a row it was win and your in and 2 years in a row they failed. This organization needs an enema!

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I have been watching, reading, listening to everything that has been going on with our Federal, State and Local governments and we are on a runaway train to complete economic ruin. We have elected leaders in our Federal and State levels who refuse to make the hard choices to right the fiscal ship and we continue to sink. To me when our Governor calls $415 million a "shortfall" in the budget he is clueless!  Malloy was the one who enacted the LARGEST state tax increase to right the fiscal ship and we are worse now than before and why, WE CONTINUE TO SPEND!

We now have our Congressman playing games with the numbers to make things not only look better but new ways to take, no steal our money! Boehner's crew is looking to raise the social security age to 70, they now have put tax increases (I can't call it revenue!) on the table and talk very little of title reform. What happened to holding the ground??? I guess the real middle class - the ones who have to pay for all of this - doesn't count!

Meriden, my local government, is a joke. The word cut isn't even in their dictionary. How much of a joke? Here's an example: They have raised our water and sewer rates so high so fast that the changed the billing period. We now pay quarterly instead of bi-annually. From 2008 to now my water bill has nearly doubled with my usage up about 15%.

If we as citizens and a nation do not demand that our elected leaders stop this insanity and start to have an honest dialog with us to get us moving forward we will all be below the poverty line.

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