Thursday, March 06, 2014

Driver Re-Test???

Here we go again, the state is OVEREACTING and now wants to force ALL Connecticut drivers to take a mandatory test. Bill #335 states “A licensee seeking renewal of a motor vehicle operator's license shall be required to pass a comprehensive test as to knowledge of the laws concerning motor vehicles and the rules of the road.” Why ALL licensees? Why not the repeat offenders? Why not the ones that repeatedly get tickets? After going to traffic court or when the license comes up for renewal and numerous tickets appear against that driver a letter should be sent that the license cannot be renewed unless they pass a test. We have a process that works the same way regarding renewing your registration and emissions. If you haven’t had our emissions performed you can’t register your car. The same process can be set up for bad drivers.

But now we live in a socialistic or collective society where there is no individual. EVERYONE will conform. You didn’t build that, WE built that. It’s not the individual that gets punished, we all get punished. After reading the bill and listening to the reports on TV one thing hasn’t been mentioned yet, can you guess? $$$ MONEY $$$! There is no mention as to what the charge will be. Is that the bottom line, yet ANOTHER revenue stream for the state?

When are we going to tell our so called leaders enough is enough! If I wanted to live in a socialistic society I’d move to your Europe. If I wanted to be told what to do I move to Russia. But I don’t want to live that way or be told what to do. These aren’t brilliant minds we have in our government, just look at how society has been declining and now at an accelerated rate.

We should be telling them what to do. Remember, they work for us!

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