Saturday, February 16, 2013

Harkin Proves It's Time To Retire

Senator Tom Harkin has joined the band wagon for redistributing the earnings from people who have worked hard for their money and denies we spend too much money:

"First of all, I want to disagree with those who say we have a spending problem. Everyone keeps saying we have a spending problem. And when they talk about that, it’s like there’s an assumption that somehow we as a nation are broke. We can't afford these things any longer. We’re too broke to invest in education and housing and things like that. Well look at it this way, we’re the richest nation in the history of the world. We are now the richest nation in the world. We have the highest per capita income of any major nation. That kind of begs the question, doesn’t it? If we’re so rich, why are we so broke? Is it a spending problem? No.”

Is he kidding me? First of all Tom take your damn hands out of my pocket! Let's look at our debt problem in relation to spending. Bush should have never have done the first tarp and the 2 wars he initiated drained this country. But the spending under Obama pales in comparison. In this millennium alone, we've gone from spending $1.7 trillion per year at the federal level (2000) to $2.7 trillion (2007) to $3.8 trillion (2013, projected). We now spend more than w take in. When will it end? I guess Harkin can make these stupid statements since he's worth $10.5M. We'll he put his money where his mouth is and give up 99% of his wealth?

When will Americans get smart and tell Congress to live with their means like we do!

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