Sunday, December 05, 2010

P90X - Day 60 - Phase 3

Well it's been a wee since my last posting and a lot has been happening. My daughter went in for major surgery last week to have a cyst (or tumor) removes that was the size of a melon. For the last 2 weeks we had been running between her Gynecologist, the Oncology doctor to determine if it may be cancerous and ultra sounds to see how big this thing was. Well everything went better than expected. IT was determined that the cyst was benign, no issue to remove it, she made great progress in the hospital and was able to come after 2 days and is recuperating nicely at home.

I'm now into Phase 3 and still can't believe how fast this program is moving. I'm behind on getting my weight for this week and my pictures taken for the completion of Phase 2. I'm still making great progress using my belt as the guide, down another hole. My jeans that were snug before fit comfortably now. I see a change in my strength as well.

Now that I'm in week 9 I can look back at week 5 and see how much I improved. I've been able to increase the weight on the dumbbells while maintaining at least the 8-10 reps. Pushups that were a struggle before I'm now doing 20-25 easily. There are still some struggles like the "dive bombers" but I'm doing what I can and modifying where I need to. I still use a chair on the chin up bar because of a bad shoulder but I still push hard trying to use it only as a "guide".

The next change will be to the diet. It's been quite a bit of work (actually a lot and God bless my wife for making my meals). Now that I'm into Phase 3 I've gotten a better idea of how to mix and match the foods within the groups and it will be easier when the next 90 day program starts. For now I'm sticking with the menu to complete this 90 day program.

At this point if you have followed my odyssey you can "see" how things have changed for me and that sticking with the P90X program will change you. If contemplating, stop! Make the commitment and go for it! You will not be sorry!

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