P90X Day 45 - Fighting Through the Pain
Still going strong through the 2nd half of Phase 2 but almost a set back this week. I went and picked up our Christmas tree this week and when I was bringing it downstairs I slipped and went about half way down on my butt. I tried to brace myself with my left arm as I initially slipped but it didn't stop me. At the time the only thing that hurt was my butt and pride.
I did my workout that day and the next but Wednesday's was tough to get through. When I went to brace myself I must have jammed my shoulder and whacked the back of my arm. Even the heel of my hand was sore. Since this was Shoulders, Back and triceps there was a lot of push ups in this routine and I really struggled to keep up with the last round. I ended up moderating a lot of the moves, mostly starting out in a regular push up form and going to my knees to take the pressure off my left shoulder.
I came too far to use that episode as an excuse to skip a couple of days. Moderate your moves where you have to and push more where you can. You'll feel great that you did.
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