Sunday, October 31, 2010

P90X - Day 26 - Happy Halloween!

Completed day 26 and will be finishing up the recovery week getting ready for Phase 2. No temptation from the candy that's been hanging around. I really don't have much of a sweet tooth. I'm looking forward to the measurements coming up. I'm hoping to see some improvement. If there isn't much I'll use that to motivate myself for the next 3 weeks. I'm starting to see the improvements in each routine that goes by which is another encouraging sign. I really must hand it to the P90X program. This is the first program I've found that if you follow it and stick with it you'll see the results! Great job!!

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

P90X - Day 25

Today is day 25 and the switch in the routine is no Yoga today, (I guess part of the confusion). Yesterday was Kenpo X and today was X Stretch. Nice down week while still getting in some good stretches and cardio, I know my body is happier! I missed yesterday's posting and and need to run around today so I wanted to get this post in so no one thought I'm slipping. I can't now anyways with 3 1/2 weeks invested, at least 5 lbs lost, 2 inches off my waist (we'll know more on Tuesday) and some definition in showing. Looking forward to getting back to the weights in week 5!

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

P90X Day 23 - Core Synergistics

Today is day 2 for the recovery phase and it was Core Synergistics. Awesome workout. It's like Ab Ripper X, Yoga, Kenpo X all rolled into 1! After doing this I can see how you can get lean, this really works the mid section. And while you're pummeling that stomach of yours you all get the heart pumping with the cardio section.

My surprising finding on this workout was some of the routines I can't do on Ab Ripper X I actually had some success doing them here. Maybe it was that this was the first time for it and I didn't have time to think about it. I'll take that as another success to build on. A new goal now is to do the WHOLE Ab Ripper X workout without missing a beat. Now I know you're thinking, "Boy, is this guy in dreamland or what?". Maybe but you need something to strive for which now helps to fold:
  1. I see the results I'm getting with P90X, loss of weight, clothes fit, see some definition starting to show;
  2. That I have a goal to go after. This is a brutal workout but focusing on the end result will get you there.
I'm pushing myself hard this week to see what the day 30 pictures and measurement results will be like. It should be interesting!

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

P90X Day 22 - Week 4

Well I come into the final week of of Phase 1 and has gone fast. This is recovery week where it's yoga, Kenpo X, Core Synergistics - stretching and cardio. I really pushed my self on the yoga today trying top stretch more to get that darn flexibility. It's coming but simple things like lifting my leg straight out just won't get straight. It's still waaaaaaaay to tight! But a little bit each day. A little progress is better than a little regression!! JUST BRING IT!!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

P90X Day 21 - X Stretch

I did the X Stretch today which is a stretching program with yoga thrown in. I'm glad I did. For some reason I've been pretty sore the last few days (I wonder from what?) and was almost going to pass. But I keep complaining about how I'm not flexible and decided to go ahead anyways. Well it was a good thing I did because it really loosened me up. My shoulder was really sore and didn't have much range of motion. After the hour workout what a difference! It was loosened up and I had full range of motion.

Tomorrow starts week 4 and the timing couldn't be better. It will give this 51 year old body some time to recuperate as it is mostly cardio, stretching and yoga for the next 7 days. I weighed my self this morning and was disappointed that there was no weight loss. Stayed flat at 215. I contacted my Beachbody coach and he told me not to sweat it since I'm building muscle at the same time of losing weight. As long as the clothes keep fitting better no to sweat it. This will also push me to work harder to ensure I'm dropping weight while building muscle. Another week and I'll post my 30 day results. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and BRINGING IT!!

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Monday, October 25, 2010

P90X Day 20 - Kenpo X

I finished my 3rd routine of Kenpo X and it is my favorite out of the Phase 1 program. A lot of movement with martial arts, running, punching, kicking - everything to get a high cardio workout. I was going to post my results so far but I decided to wait until day 30. I want to give the first phase the full 30 days. As of last Tuesday I dropped 5 pounds finally getting to 215. I've a big change in my waist so I'm hoping to see more weight loss. Today's workout should have helped that cause.

Tomorrow will be the X Stretch workout. I've got to get myself more limber so I can get more out of the workouts. In week 4 I'll be doing a lot of yoga, Knepo X, X Stretch and Core Synergistics. The Core Synergistics is a new routine that will help freshen up the week prior to moving to phase 2. I can't believe 3 weeks are just about done. I'll be pushing play!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

P90X Day 19 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

Another good workout today but felt a little weaker than before, I think the nutritional change has caught up to me. I was originally supposed to be on 3200 calories a day based on the formula from the P90X Nutrition Guide but I thought that was a bit much so I went to the 2400 calories a day. I did the full routine but struggled on some the exercises but I wanted to maintain the proper form to get the most out of it. By slowing down a bit and REALLY focusing on the form I could feel the sweat just pouring out of me. But that was still negated by


Another humbling experience doing this workout in which I felt some gains in some of the areas and setbacks in others. I just need to keep plugging along forgetting what I have done in the past and look at the next workout as a fresh start. From there I'll set new goals to achieve and push my self even harder. Just BRING IT one day at a time!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

PX90 - Day 18 - Yoga #3

I did my 3rd yoga session today and found that was starting to come into line. I don't have a yoga block and that really hurt my first session. I started using the styrofoam protector that came with the Powerblock dumbells and that really helped me stretch and open myself up in the second session. Getting used to that got me into the flow of today's workout and I was surprised at what I could do. Flexibility is still an issue but little victories are being there as well.

I'm coming down to my last 2 workouts in the Phase 1 portion before I go into the "rest period" in week 4. I am still amazed at what has transpired over the last 2 1/2 weeks. I'm also looking forward to a change in my diet. I do lie the meal plan that is in Phase 1 but I'm starting to miss the carbs (like pasta, oatmeal, etc). I know staying true to the plan will help me get the results I want if I just BRING IT!

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Friday, October 22, 2010

P90X Day 16

Plyometrics day and went through the whole routine (another success!). I will qualify that by saying I did modify some of the moves but I kept pace and did the whole routine. I saw that I kept my heart rate up around 145 - 155 for the core part of the workout. I still can't believe that this is week 3 and about 10 more days to complete Phase 1.

I still need to keep my focus on what I'm accomplishing day by day instead of having the day 90 result now. As long as I keep bringing it, I'll get the results I want.

(This should have been published yesterday but I saved it as a draft)

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PX90 - Day 17

Great workout doing shoulders and arms and Ab Ripper X (well shoulders and arms at least). Increasing the weight regularly and really concentrating on my form. I'm finding now I'm hitting a wall on the nutrition, not so much eating the same foods but actually getting hungry. For the first 2 weeks no problem but now I'm starting t get hungry more often with in that 3 hour block. I guess I'm burning more of the excess fat I had and my body is now looking for more sources. I hope this is where I see the burn down and really begin to see results around the mid section.

(10/22/90 - Another late post)

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

P90X Day 15 - Week 3 Begins

I can't believe I'm starting week 3 already. Chest and back today and last time until week 9! Huge improvements since week 1, noticeable in the push up exercises. I couldn't a "Diamond" push up when I started and I'm doing 15 to 20 reps. I've increased the weight in the lawnmower pulls and back flys. Today's workout seemed to fly by until...


If there is anything I must mentally AND physically fight through it's this. I think it's going to take me longer to see the results in my mid section then anywhere else - but I'll keep pushing. I've a weak back and that holds me back a bit on some of these except for the MASON TWISTS. This is just sick. I'm hoping I can do these by the end of the program. But I'll keep bringing it every day! Tomorrow is Kenpo X. Pump up aerobic workout.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 14 - Rest Day and Reflection

Today is day 14 and I decided to take today off to rest both physically and mentally. It's been a grind at work lately and I didn't want to get half way through week 3 and then feel it was more drudgery than something I want to do. I do feel a bit guilty for not doing ANYTHING today but that psyches me up more to begin week 3 tomorrow.

I wanted to post the changes I've had since the starting P90X but with other things going I didn't get the chance to take them, I'll post them tomorrow. One thing I did do this morning is weigh my self and I have lost 5 pounds since starting. I started at 220 and I'm ow down to 215. That 's a healthy 2.5 pounds a week which is about what you should do.

I wanted to reflect and give my perspective on the P90X program so far. I went in a bit skeptical from trying all different types of diets, exercise programs, weights, machines, yada, yada, yada. I am convinced that I will see great results with P90X. Why? There are a number of reasons, let me list a few:
  • Nutrition: The book that is supplied has everything you need to purchase and arrange into your daily meals. The making of the meals can be done 3 different ways: By the meal plan they have (and there are some great recipes in there). The portion plan where they tell you how much of protiens, carbs and fats you need to eat and decide the portions for the different meals. There also is the quick approach where you can use Lean Cusine, Weight Watchers, etc. to substitute when you don't have the time.
  • The Program: Now I've only done the first block of workouts but I love the way it's set up. You work your muscles 3 days a week in the different combinations (days 1, 3, 5) and then it's aerobics/yoga/martial arts the other 3 days (days 2, 4, 6). It's a great way to build mass and then give the muscles the break from the weight and do cardio or yoga on the other 3. It keeps it very fresh. The day you work your muscles you also work your abs doing the AB RIPPER X workout. It's is painful to start but you will feel the difference in yourself after the 2 weeks.
Here are a couple of tips when you get started that I found:
  1. Be prepared - Get everything you need prior to starting: food, the chin up bar, protein mix, protein bars, etc.
  2. Weights - Make sure you have the right dumbells to use. I found that using the POWERBLOCK interchangeable weights are great. Easy to use and cheaper than Bowflex.
  3. Time - Make sure you set aside the time each day to do it. It seems simple enough but unless you have it scheduled so you do it, you'll skip it.
  4. Mindset - This to me is the most important. Get yourself in the right mind to do it. Don't put all the pressure on yourself that you need to lose 20 pounds and 10 inches after 2 weeks. Great point from Tony, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body".
Give yourself a fighting chance, 90 days is a long time but it will go by fast. Stick with the nutrition, follow the program, get the right mind set and BRING IT.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

P90X Day 13 - Kenpo X

Finished up day 13 with the Kenpo X workout and my body is really starting to get change. Today was the martial arts cardio workout and I was pumped. I kept pace through the whole program including the kicks, punches, combo moves. I just need to get better form to hold my balance more but I was surprised that I was able to move the way I did. During the 2nd half of the workout I pushed myself to get the height on the kicks and as low as possible in the horse stance. Flexibility is still an issue but at 51 years old it will take a bit longer to work that out.

Tomorrow is day 14 and the off day which I will take advantage of. Last Tuesday I did the X Stretch and I think my body could use a down day. It will give me time took look back over the past 13 days to see where I have improved and where improvement still needs to be. I'll also take my weight and measurements to see how I'm doing from a physical appearance. Mentally I'm doing great. Just having my clothes fit from being so tight is motivation enough.

Check in tomorrow to see how I'm doing 2 weeks into the program.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

P90X Day 12 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X

Great workout today. I was surprised to see the weight I added to this program for my legs. First round was going through the exercises for the form but I made notes to go up on my weights! To me that is key!! If you think the weights weren't heavy enough for the routine you did today, put the weight to push yourself for the next week. I've been doing that and it takes the guess work out from what I did the previous week. I don't stop and think "Was 15 lbs. good or should I go to 20?" When I went through the workout today I moved right along and I felt I got more out of it because I didn't have to stop.

Made tremendous progress on the back, especially on pull ups. i still use a chair for assistance but I really concentrate to use my body. I tried to a pull up without the chair and actually got 2! Yes 2! You're probably thinking, are you kidding me, only 2? Hey, I couldn't get a 1/4 of a push up before I started and this is 12 days in!! It's great! Again, I made notes for next week to push the weights up from where I was today. Now the killer portion.

Ab Ripper X - who ever thought of this is a sadist! Just beat my gut with a baseball bat! Here too I see SOME progress although it is small. Small is better than nothing!! Keep bringing it, take the brakes when you need to, DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!

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P90X Day 11 - Yoga #2

Yesterday was my 2nd attempt at yoga and it went better than I thought. I am starting to keep up with the moves but still lack the flexibility to do them 100%. I have to keep reminding myself that this is only 11 days into the program where I have done any stretching for the last 25+ years! The body gets older and it takes even more time to undo what has been done (or not in this case).

I do feel the transformation taking place. I feel better, clothes are starting to fit, I'm going down in my waist size, starting to see some definition in my arms. Even though you get disappointed that you THINK you should be farther along, give yourself credit for what you have done - AND KEEP PUSHING PLAY!

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Friday, October 15, 2010

P90X Day 10

Shoulders and arms today and I was amazed at how much I was able to increase the weight on this 2nd round. 1st time through I was just about able to get through with weights 10 to 15 pounds. But today I was able to push that to 20 to 25 on most of them while maxing out at 8-10 reps as Tony suggests. I could feel the difference an I have a weak left shoulder and was able to do the workout even though I strained a bit. It was awesome.

Now to bring me back to earth I did the Ab Ripper X workout right afterwards and my God the PAIN! I kept up a bit more but was not satisfied at all. I have an extremely weak mid section and this will take quite a while to strengthen. Tony was stating that one of the members in video couldn't do any of these after the 20 day mark but he has no problem now. (Another good psychological technique to keep you motivated). Hey, that works for me!

The best motivation I had to day was putting a pair of dungarees on. Now my pants are size 40 and I couldn't button and if I could, I sure as hell couldn't sit down. I was going to after my fat pants (size 42) but I figured why not see if they're tight or snug. So I pulled them out of my drawer, slipped in one leg then the other, pulled them up and went to button them. Success! Not only where they night tight or snug, they fit great! Now you're probably thinking, well they're still size 40. You're right they are but that's at least 2 inches down from where I was before and this is 10 days into the program. Believe me, I'm a realist and I know I still have a looooooooooong way to go but this psyches me up to keep going.

It's been hard on some days especially when the cravings start for snacks or wanting to have a glass or 2 or 3 or 4 or (more) of wine or beer or JD, but this pushes those thoughts right out of my head. Although I'm just starting to see the difference is parts of my body, this will push me harder to BRING IT!!

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P90X Day 9

Yesterday was the 2nd round of Plyometrics and I was surprised at how much I kept up with the program. The big problem I still have is the flexibility to get the most range of motion. It feels like steel cables instead of hamstrings in the backs of my legs and they just don't want to stretch. I'll just keep plugging along and will probably do another X-Stretch on my day off.

One thing I was pleased was I kept my heart rate in the target zone averaging about 145 beats per minute. It was one heck of a sweat! I'll keep pushing play!

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

P90X Day 8 - Week 2

I started on round 2 today and can really feel it. It helps to get the right equipment. I was using regular free weight dumb bells and what a pain in the neck to change if the weight wasn't quite right. I picked up the Powerblock adjustable dumbells. Great units and a lot cheaper that Bowflex. These start at 15 lbs and go to 50 and adjust in 5 lb increments. The Bowflex has 2 different sets, 1 goes up to 52.5 lbs and adjusts in 2.5 lb increments while the other set does the same and goes to 90lbs. The difference:
Powerblock: $299 for the set
Bowflex 52.5Lbs: $399
Bowflex 90Lbs: $599
(Price from Dick's Sporting Goods)

For the starter I highly recommend the Powerblock.

Now that I'm starting to get the routine down I was really working on form today and increasing reps and weights. I still have a LONG way to go with pull ups using the chair for assistance. Push ups are going in the right direction but not at the pace I would like. 3rd time with Ab Ripper X and boy it was killer today. I know the abs are getting worked because of the pain. Still don't have the flexibility to get the full range of motion but I'll keep pushing it more and more each workout.

I was getting a little disheartened but I like the phrase Tony used in the workout, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body." That got me refocused to keep bring it. Tomorrow is Plyometrics. I will push play!

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

P90X Day 7 - Downtime?

Today is day 7 of the program which should be my downtime. Since I am not flexible I decided to do the X Stretch and I thought my hamstrings were worn out elastic bands. I decided to do this because I need to get flexible to get the most out of the workouts.

Well tomorrow starts the 2nd week and I'm anxious to see what has changed from the first round. Now that I'm getting into the routine I'll be pushing myself more. Believe it or not it's tough to get used to the diet. That's a lot food to pack away. I should be on the 3,000+ calories but I have enough with the 2,400. Well, let's see what week 2 brings!

Do you're best, forget the rest.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

P90X - Day 6 - Kenpo X

Today was Kenpo X workout and it's a great workout. No weights, just a lot of kicking and punching. This is another workout where you need to stretch and pay attenion to the form. The more flexible you are, the more you get out of the workout and the less chance you'll have of getting hurt. Kenpo X puts you through a series of punches and licks and builds them into combinations.

As you build these combinations the speed increases as well and you get the cardiac workout as well. This is one you'll need to start out with modified moves to build your coordination. Once you get the moves and pace down you get one heck of a workout. Tomorrow is supposed to be a down day but I think I'll do the stretching DVD that came so I can get more out of these routines. Last thing I want to do is pop a hamstring or pull a muscle.

Do your best, Forget the rest!

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

PX90 - Day 5

Another killer day in the program. Legs and back today with another Ab Ripper X. Great workout and especially some of the stamina exercises. One was the chair where you lean against the wall and position yourself as a chair and your lap is the seat. You alternate between a 90 degree angle for about 20 seconds the lift a bit for 20 seconds alternating for about a minute. Quite the burn.

The 2nd day of abs was a lot tougher today. Felt the burn on all and wasn't able to do the same reps as the first time. But I know I'm hitting all the same muscle groups. It focusing the mind through the pain and really concentrating on the form. Once I'm able to control this the workout will come much easier. Tomorrow is Kempo X. That should be intense!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

P90X Day 4 - Yoga

I thought this was going to be a break today with a lot of stretching, balancing, twisting, etc. Boy, was I wrong! It is an extremely intense, disciplined workout. Since this is my 4th day with the P90X program I've been using a lot of moderated techniques to get used to it. Doing the yoga I feel off the wagon. I can see not only how much I'm out of shape but how uncoordinated I am.

As Tony says, "Bring your best, forget the rest". That's what I did today. Although I failed miserably for the first time, I did what I could trying to stay up with the workout but took the breaks when I needed to. One thing I noticed with the yoga moves today is how much better I feel. Yesterday I was sore! By the evening I could just about move and was ready for bed - I was wiped! But today I feel great! I feel like a new person. More energy, able to move better, ready for tomorrow's workout - Legs and back.

Friday, October 08, 2010

P90X Days 2 & 3

Awesome and humbling workouts yesterday and today. Yesterday was Plyometrics, also known as jump training, has been proven to dramatically improve athletic performance. It is 58 minutes of jumping, stretching, jumping, running, jumping, well you get the idea. You get your heart rate up and keep it up. One heck of a sweat! You burn calories with this. I'll be interested to see the difference in my heart rate from when I started to the 90th day.

Today was shoulders and arms then Ab Ripper X. I'll talk the painful workout second. Working the shoulders and arms you need to make sue you have the right equipment. I was using dumbells my sonhad and I thought I had the correct weight but found my ego was stronger than my muscles. I was doing too much toping the program to keep changing the weights around that I was wasting time (although the breaks felt great!). I got through the workout but I'm going to get a set of the dial weights so I can change on the fly.

After that workout was completed I did the Ab Ripper X and thought I was going to die! I couldn't keep up with that at all. Makes me pissed to think about all those beers and pizza I ate that is now hanging around my waist. Although it's a quick 16 minute program it feels like hours. It gave me the motivation to be really strict with my diet (which is the key to the program) so I can to the whole workout with no breaks.

Tomorrow is yoga, I hope I won't turn into a pretzel!

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

P90X - The Workout Begins

I finally decided to get into once and for all and purchased the P90X program. I've seen the informercial on TV and was skeptical until I saw a friend of mine with his before and after pictures. What a difference! His advice, stick with it and you'll see the results. Follow the workouts, the diet and don't cheat. So to keep me honest I'm going to my account here and at the end of the 90 days post the before and after to see if I achieved my results.

The first workout was killer and showed me how much I was out of shape. Could I keep up, no. Did I use assistance, yes. But as Tony Horton says, "Do your best, forget the rest". Chest and back today, hope I can move tomorrow.

So I'm starting out a 220 lbs. and my goal is to get to 190 or lower, get some size, but mostly get in shape. Let's see where we go on this trip!

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