Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
P90X - Day 25
Thursday, October 28, 2010
P90X Day 23 - Core Synergistics
- I see the results I'm getting with P90X, loss of weight, clothes fit, see some definition starting to show;
- That I have a goal to go after. This is a brutal workout but focusing on the end result will get you there.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
P90X Day 22 - Week 4
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
P90X Day 21 - X Stretch
Monday, October 25, 2010
P90X Day 20 - Kenpo X
Sunday, October 24, 2010
P90X Day 19 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Saturday, October 23, 2010
PX90 - Day 18 - Yoga #3
Friday, October 22, 2010
P90X Day 16
PX90 - Day 17
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
P90X Day 15 - Week 3 Begins
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Day 14 - Rest Day and Reflection
- Nutrition: The book that is supplied has everything you need to purchase and arrange into your daily meals. The making of the meals can be done 3 different ways: By the meal plan they have (and there are some great recipes in there). The portion plan where they tell you how much of protiens, carbs and fats you need to eat and decide the portions for the different meals. There also is the quick approach where you can use Lean Cusine, Weight Watchers, etc. to substitute when you don't have the time.
- The Program: Now I've only done the first block of workouts but I love the way it's set up. You work your muscles 3 days a week in the different combinations (days 1, 3, 5) and then it's aerobics/yoga/martial arts the other 3 days (days 2, 4, 6). It's a great way to build mass and then give the muscles the break from the weight and do cardio or yoga on the other 3. It keeps it very fresh. The day you work your muscles you also work your abs doing the AB RIPPER X workout. It's is painful to start but you will feel the difference in yourself after the 2 weeks.
- Be prepared - Get everything you need prior to starting: food, the chin up bar, protein mix, protein bars, etc.
- Weights - Make sure you have the right dumbells to use. I found that using the POWERBLOCK interchangeable weights are great. Easy to use and cheaper than Bowflex.
- Time - Make sure you set aside the time each day to do it. It seems simple enough but unless you have it scheduled so you do it, you'll skip it.
- Mindset - This to me is the most important. Get yourself in the right mind to do it. Don't put all the pressure on yourself that you need to lose 20 pounds and 10 inches after 2 weeks. Great point from Tony, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body".
Monday, October 18, 2010
P90X Day 13 - Kenpo X
Sunday, October 17, 2010
P90X Day 12 - Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
P90X Day 11 - Yoga #2
Friday, October 15, 2010
P90X Day 10
P90X Day 9
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
P90X Day 8 - Week 2

I started on round 2 today and can really feel it. It helps to get the right equipment. I was using regular free weight dumb bells and what a pain in the neck to change if the weight wasn't quite right. I picked up the Powerblock adjustable dumbells. Great units and a lot cheaper that Bowflex. These start at 15 lbs and go to 50 and adjust in 5 lb increments. The Bowflex has 2 different sets, 1 goes up to 52.5 lbs and adjusts in 2.5 lb increments while the other set does the same and goes to 90lbs. The difference:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
P90X Day 7 - Downtime?
Monday, October 11, 2010
P90X - Day 6 - Kenpo X
Sunday, October 10, 2010
PX90 - Day 5
Saturday, October 09, 2010
P90X Day 4 - Yoga
Friday, October 08, 2010
P90X Days 2 & 3
Awesome and humbling workouts yesterday and today. Yesterday was Plyometrics, also known as jump training, has been proven to dramatically improve athletic performance. It is 58 minutes of jumping, stretching, jumping, running, jumping, well you get the idea. You get your heart rate up and keep it up. One heck of a sweat! You burn calories with this. I'll be interested to see the difference in my heart rate from when I started to the 90th day.
Today was shoulders and arms then Ab Ripper X. I'll talk the painful workout second. Working the shoulders and arms you need to make sue you have the right equipment. I was using dumbells my sonhad and I thought I had the correct weight but found my ego was stronger than my muscles. I was doing too much toping the program to keep changing the weights around that I was wasting time (although the breaks felt great!). I got through the workout but I'm going to get a set of the dial weights so I can change on the fly.
After that workout was completed I did the Ab Ripper X and thought I was going to die! I couldn't keep up with that at all. Makes me pissed to think about all those beers and pizza I ate that is now hanging around my waist. Although it's a quick 16 minute program it feels like hours. It gave me the motivation to be really strict with my diet (which is the key to the program) so I can to the whole workout with no breaks.
Tomorrow is yoga, I hope I won't turn into a pretzel!